Journeymen and women,
A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks: The iPad Cart is a fulltime job and has left little time to follow up with the iPad in the Classroom pioneers. Beginning next week, we would like to visit our participants who are teaching in the classroom to (1) find out how you are using the iPad (2) what training and support you need and (3) whether you need any more apps. I sent out an email a few minutes ago to participants and liaisons to meet together before November 15, and to post their findings on this blog.
Before you read the content of this email, I would like to let you know that the deployment of the iPads has required cooperation from many of our support staff in training and operation areas. We are hoping that you will be open to contributing your observations and experiences so that we can evaluate our deployment model and adapt it. Given our resources, we may have to scale back on this program and/or redefine its scope and budget. Please share your experience of the program with your IT liaison, and please take a moment to let us all know through this blog about the services and support you have received and would like to receive.
Greetings Professors and Liaisons,
It has been 7 weeks since we began the iPad in the Classroom pilot. The following email icontains a brief update and Next Steps request.
1. The iPad Cart is being deployed to 10 courses. Professor and Student iPads have had almost all apps installed.
2. Beginning Monday, October 29, the Healey Library Reserve will only circulate iPads to students registered in courses that use the iPad Mobile Cart. Students must present a valid UMASS ID, and provide information about the course in which they are enrolled and the professor’s name.
3. We have hired Brian Butler to assist us on Wednesdays and Thursdays with the iPad cart, and iPad installations.
4. All the iPads on the cart have new covers.
NEXT STEPS: Purchase of Apps, IT Liaison Classroom visits, Blog updates
- Please contact your professors to confer with your iPad in the Classroom Professor on their use of the iPad in their courses.
- Please ask to visit the classroom of your iPad in the Classroom Professor to offer advice on the apps that we can purchase.
- Please post information on the blog to inform all participants of iPad use and needs and to give general feedback about the program to date.
2. Professors in iPad in the Classroom Program: PLEASE READ AND RESPOND BY NOVEMBER 15
- Please contact your IT liaison to discuss how you have been using the iPad in your classroom
- Please let the liaison know if you would like any additional apps. ( If you have already paid for apps, please let the Liaison know what you have bought, and whether you have spent personal money , and if more money is needed for apps .
- Please post information on the blog to inform all participants of your iPad use, and app and training needs and, please give general feedback about the program to date.